を記入 function newMark(y,m,d) { oldDay = new Date(y+"/"+m+"/"+d); newDay = new Date(); n = (newDay - oldDay)/(1000*60*60*24); if(n <= 14)document.write("");} //-->
word ( No ) |
MEAN 意味 S(会話) W(筆記) EE(Longman英英) EJ(Longman英和) |
example (例文の意味) |
chimney( 1525 ) |
a vertical pipe that allows smoke from a fire to pass out of a building up into the air, or the part of this pipe that is above the roof煙突英英 英和 |
Smoke came from the chimney.
煙突から煙が出てきた. |
slow( 563 ) |
not moving, being done, or happening quickly<速度・動きなどが> 遅い, のろい2 2 英英 英和 |
a slow walker
歩くのが遅い人 |
tender( 1449 ) |
tender food is easy to cut and eat, especially because it has been well cooked愛情のこもった, 優しい, 思いやりのある英英 英和 |
a tender kiss
愛情のこもったキス |